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Raccolta di links per parlare del terremoto giapponese a scuola E-mail
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Lunedì 14 Marzo 2011 22:20
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terremoto, giappone

Inserisco altro materiale utile per affrontare a scuola il tema del terremoto giapponese e del conseguente tsunami.
Si tratta di links provenienti da siti americani contenenti animazioni, immagini, slideshow, video.

Here are today’s additions to The Best Sites For Learning About The Japan Earthquake & Tsunami:

Here’s a picture of the tsunami as it approaches California.

The Christian Science Monitor has a listing of five of the world’s biggest tsunamis.

Captured: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami are photos from The Denver Post.


Tsunamis: World’s Most Devastating is a slideshow from LIFE.


Massive Japan Quake: First Photos is also from LIFE.

Why is Crescent City, Calif., so susceptible to tsunamis? is an interesting article from Slate.

How Tsunamis Work From How Stuff Works

Killer Waves

Asia’s Deadly Waves from The New York Times

Anatomy of A Tsunami from PBS.

The British newspaper The Guardian has a ton of interactives on the tsunami.

Here’s a free Brainpop movie on Tsunamis.

World’s Largest Earthquakes is from The Wall Street Journal.

Major earthquakes throughout history in pictures is from The Telegraph.

72 Hours is a website for earthquake preparation.

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